hyphenation: teaser; have a happy blue balls

Sunday, April 8, 2012

teaser; have a happy blue balls

It was after Melvin had drifted into the night, after the expeditious sex, my fake orgasm, and I believe it was also the first time we had sex. My eyes, my concentration was directed towards the ceiling above me, I stared at it for hours until I undressed myself and decided to make use of the jacuzzi I paid extra for. I was thinking about thinking; the thought of suicide was a notion I briefly flirted with in the past. If I didn't feel alive right now, would it feel any different at death's doorstep? The compilation of these thoughts, this question, the smoke filled room, and the loneliness of the night; it led me me to my next endeavor. My brain weighed me down, propelling my head into the pool of water surrounding me. Submerged in the water, my question was progressively answered; I felt more alive than ever. The amputation of oxygen in my circulatory system left me gasping for air. Gasping until… "Amanda" he yelled . We reached our pinnacle together and I rolled over to the other side of the bed. I looked over to my right, panting, I saw Johnny doing the same; there was nothing fake about this. 

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